10 December 2006

Weekend randomness.

Alas, I will have to get used to doing laundry once a week. No more are the days of three weeks worth of underwear and a closet full of clothes. I am impressed and amused enough with my set up that I have to write about it:
  1. Put clothes in bathtub
  2. Put Boom paste (popular Zambian detergent) in red bucket and fill with water
  3. Sit in tub
  4. Wash clothes… while watching Sex and the City episodes on laptop sitting on the toilet. Doing laundry has never been some exciting.

Wow, they really are everywhere in
Lusaka. I never noticed them around town before going out with the crazy Belgian and a group of Peace Corps people. While dancing, a few Peace Corps boys went to the bar and in the span of two songs, girls (assumed to be prostitutes) practically formed a queue behind the boys. As they turned each one away, another one would be there. Craziness. It seems knee-high hooker boots are an international concept.

I am still not sure how it happened, but it seems I have joined a volleyball team consisting mostly Americans and Brits. We play at a sport club next to the American embassy… strange, but it was fun. I was planning on joining a local football league; volleyball will do for now.

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