06 December 2006

Quick update.

I'm slowly getting settled in Lusaka, though my to do list is getting out of control because I am ignorant to how long some things take... I spent five hours trying to open a bank account this morning (note: trying). Once I start going into the office, I'll be posting more regularly; until then, excuse my haphazard and grammatically bad posts. Pictures coming soon... I don't have the patience to wait for them to upload right now.

A few updates:
Moved into my flat (will post soon about how it is way too posh)
Attended International Volunteer Day event held by the UN (many opinions on this)
Had a good first meeting with my employer and the board members. Somewhat unnerving to have someone say that they've been awaiting your arrival for months.
Going to buy a mobile today... apparently texting even internationally is ridiculously cheap... guess I will be jumping on that bandwagon

If anyone is up for letter writing, please send me your mailing address. I've already made friends with the stationary man down the street.

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