The Ministry of Education defines a community school as a community based learning institution that meets the educational needs of children not reached by government or private schools. These children may not be able to attend government schools due to cost, distance, or other factors excluding them from the system. In urban areas, it is common to see community schools situated near a government school allowing those who cannot afford school or uniform fees to attend school. Rural community schools exist where a school would otherwise not be present. Community schools are by no means an absolute solution to education gaps, but meet needs as identified by the local communities. Aside from cost and distance, other issues of poverty, family dynamics, and effects of HIV/AIDS contribute to additional challenges. Many children face the responsibility of caring for family members, bringing in money, working in the fields, etc. The compounding factor of distance in rural areas where children walk upward to 15 km each way makes attending school almost becomes an impossibility. The government system does not have the flexibility or the resources to meet the needs of learners who do not attend school regularly and may begin school at a later age. Outside of the Ministry of Education structure, community schools can help meet the MDG of universal primary education and help children reach functional literacy.
The Zambian government seems to acknowledge the contributions made by community schools, but feels there has been an “explosion” in the community schools movement needs to be regulated so that minimum standards including student to teacher/desk/book/latrine ratio are met. Currently the Ministry of Education is in the consultation process with various community school stakeholders to create a framework that allows community schools to exist formally along side government schools. It is too early to tell how the government plans to involve itself with community schools.
Photo: A community school being built. New three classroom concrete building on left, old school on right, and grass wall of latrine beside me.
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