24 January 2007

Birthday in a castle

My organisation has an office in Lundazi, Eastern Province. I made the nine hour journey to meet the staff and visit some of the schools in the area. Six hours on decent roads and three on a gravel/clay road that felt like we were paying a game – dodge the pothole/crevasse. It was a last minute trip and I did not manage to make my own accommodation arrangements, so I really did not have a clue as to what to expect. To my surprise and confusion, I stayed at a castle.

So picture, a medieval castle, minus the moat, but complete with little balcony sections to fire a cannon or have a Rapunzzle hair moment. I thought for a second I had stumbled upon theme park in Zambia. This is certainly making it onto my odd and random things in Zambia. At one point in time maybe the hotel was nice, but I think now the only thing it has going for it is shock factor. People might just stay here just to say that the spend a night in a castle in Zambia.

On that note, Happy Birthday to me. Thanks E for the transatlantic text!

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