11 July 2007

What up?

I know, I know… what up with not blogging. There is stuff coming I
promise. What you might be reading soon are posts on 1 vs. 2-ply
toilet paper, development through play, and the vision. For now I'm
sticking with basic emotions – I feel sad. And now, I'm admitting to
the cyber world that I cried on Friday. I actually came home from work
and bawled. How weird. I don't know if I've ever done that. I felt
good to cry, but then all I wanted was a stiff drink. I'm also tired.
Hurrah, points for me for identifying two basic feelings. I feel sad
and tired. I've temporarily lost the energy to keep trying to get
things to happen with my organisation. Let's hope this passes soon.
I've recently crossed paths with a number of summer interns. I now
remember why I always felt so positive at the end of a short-term
project – you leave on a high. You leave with the feeling that things
can still happen. You're not sure how much you accomplished, but you
sure had fun and learned a lot. You're still enjoying being in a new
place, a new culture. Basically, you leave when you still have the
desire to stay longer. It's like leaving a party when it still
happening; you'll always remember it as a good party even if it
crashed five minutes after you left. I'm starting my eighth month in
Zambia… the high is definitely gone. The reality blows a lot of the
time because letting go of a rosy coloured pictured of development
really gets you down to the real issues.

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