13 July 2007

The vision?

All of the planning activities I've been doing with my organisation
has brought up many questions about the direction of the organisation.
Is there a direction with the programmes of the organisation? I am
mildly distressed the it is difficult to get people thinking about the
ultimate goal, the vision. There's a written down vision and mission,
but the link on how it guides the organisation's activities is
tenuous. We hold teacher and community training workshops. My
colleagues seem to think that the workshops will continue forever.
Maybe that is the true. But, the workshops are supposed to contribute
to something… like maybe attaining the objective of the workshop. Do
we intend to build schools, drill boreholes, build latrines
indefinitely? Will be also be giving school supplies and textbooks
indefinitely? One of my main objectives is to mainstream HIV/AIDS into
programmes. I hate "in" words like mainstream; people say it because
they think it is what you want to hear. Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS has
been an objective of the organisation for the past five years and no
one seems to have any issue with mainstreaming being part of the next
five year plan. But wait, isn't the goal to mainstream, not to
continue to mainstream. That is once HIV/AIDS is indeed mainstreamed
into programmes, all programmes will included HIV/AIDS in one way or
another. Right now, I seem to be the only once convinced on this.
However, I can understand that with anything it is always easier to
set the goal than to put actions to the goals.

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