28 February 2007

Dinner parties in Lusaka

Last night, a Jordanian friend cooked up an amazing meal consisting of rice with toasted almonds and pine nuts (need to inquire where he found pine nuts in Zambia), hummus, greek salad, roasted chicken, warm pita bread, and a pudding like dessert. Damn, it was good; I’m salivating as I type this. More than the great food was the interesting company of about twenty people from at least ten different countries. I never know what kind of crowd to expect. Sometimes, it’s a lot of UN people, other times the crowd is mostly Dutch, but sometimes like tonight the crowd was interestingly diverse. Some notable conversations included a debate about the movie Paradise Now with a Palestinian guy, an interesting chat in French with a woman who worked in Cameroon (I considered doing a placement there), and an odd discussion on the interior decorating industry in Lusaka with a Greek-Zambian woman. I’m a becoming a huge fan of dinner gatherings in Lusaka. Let’s hope I’m interesting enough for people to continue having me over.

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