28 June 2007

Top Secret

The wife of a certain American is in Zambia today. I only know this
because I'm well connected ;) (or so I like to think I). She is
visiting a USAID funded project and then touring a market. When her
super secret security people arrived in Lusaka last week they realised
it would be virtually impossible secure the area. So, her security
crew have demanded a fake market be set up. A fake market? They
probably won't tell her, but for today there is an extra market, where
all the stall are the right dimensions and there are no corners that
her super secret security can't control. I've been told that she'll be
wearing flat shoes so gravel is not a problem, but rocks are not
acceptable. Everyone involved in this façade also has to be screened;
that is, go through checks to see if you are who you say you are. I
wonder if the super secret security realise that some people may not
have birth certificates or citizenship cards. Maybe someone forgot to
include in the memo that this project is targeting vulnerable people,
especially women-headed households. Someone also forget to include
that Zambia is a developing country. The markets and everything else
are not what they are for no reason. What is this fake market good
for… perhaps her people have choreographed her buying something.
Goodness me.

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