frustrations stand out at the end of the day. I realise my post
yesterday was a view of Malawi through rose-coloured glasses. All the
sun and relaxation probably put me in the frame of mind to see the
good things. Similar hopeful and optimistic things happen in Zambia –
one just needs to look out for them. I've been linking a number of the
schools we support with local peer education groups. Today, I
overheard a group of girls discussing with each other what someone
might offer them in exchange for sex (food, candy, a lift to town, and
the list continues). This made me think that building forums for such
discussions may have an impact on the lives of young people, even
though we do not do anything to directly address the poverty the
increases their vulnerability. However, on an organisational level, I
don't know if my colleagues realise the value of such partnerships and
will be willing to support the continuation of such programmes when I
Even though I could have shared a positive aspect of my day, the
girls' discussion, I came home ranting about all the kafuffles that I
had to smooth over because of the things that didn't happen, but were
supposed to while I was away. As our conversation grew in negativity,
my housemate and I resolved to take note of one good thing everyday. I
think I will start a list on the fridge and maybe at the end of this
month, I will report what we come up with. Our two points on the list
tonight include seeing a group of men hard at work at a woodworking
shop and two people working together to push a bike laden with giant
bags of charcoal up a hill. I guess for us seeing people hard at work
is a very good thing. For the record, it was not difficult to come up
with positive things; it was a matter of consciously noting them.
I'm going to entertain one big question before I call it a night – if
I no longer believe that sustainable development is possible, would I
be willing to admit it to myself and walk away?
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