27 November 2006

A tourist to Zambia.

Underneath my supposed calm and understanding exterior:
  • You can enter Zambia as a tourist... hmm... okay... does this include a tourist itinerary? A Christmas vacation perhaps...
  • However, not sure if we can get you a flight in the immediate future, since it is the start of high season… umm, what?! By immediate future, is that this week? December? January?
  • Apparently, original passport photos were not sent/received... hmm... someone is walking around with eight scary headshots of me
  • Travel agents pulled some magic... your flight has been rebooked for Thursday
  • Thursday?! This Thursday!
  • Damn, now I really need to get things in order... crazy how an uneventful weekend was able to sufficiently tuck Zambia away in my brain.
With this kafuffle, I have joined the family visa mishaps club... just a week ago Mom’s visa got stamped with a date a week old, effectively shortening her one month visa to three weeks. Shitters.

I should probably be more proactive and figure out what a tourist visa entails. And, aside from the photos, what exactly is holding up the work permit? An issue, which I apparently need to approach with caution. Hmm... okay... what? I’m not going to try and decipher what that means from an email. Anyway, my new departure date is Thursday, November 30. Let’s hope it is an actual, get on the airplane, leaving date.

ps. M is for Monday and Mefloquine. Maybe a dreamy night ahead... as long as it isn't about missing airplanes or invalid visas!

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