26 November 2006

Cozy in Calgary.

Confusion has set in. Is Zambia happening? My bags and piles of stuff in the living room are starting to seem out of place. I may just be at a loss of what to do with myself. I recently abdicated my role as a bad advice dispensing, extremely single friend. My climbing gear is stored away. I'm avoiding Christmas parties and shopping. Although, that hasn't prevented me from falling into lazy Christmas mode: lying in front of the fireplace, eating desserts, watching awful made for TV movies, and writing up MEC wish lists. It is a very snowy -25C(-13F) in Calgary and being buried under my duvet with woolly socks on my feet is super. However, in an effort to keep this blog Zambia related, here are some mildly relevant things I've been up to:

Boggle is coming with me to Zambia. If you cross paths with me, you may be enticed/forced to play. I have also rediscovered Guess Who. Yes, a very kiddie game, but a Canadian working in Guyana enlightened me to politically incorrect Guess Who. ie. Does your person look like a convict? A conservative? A feminist? Would you let this person into your house? Sit next to you? Go on a date with? etc... Interesting to see the range of stereotypes/opinions/preferences. Doesn't sound particularly fun here, but I promise it is highly entertaining.

Zip lock bags
Bringing lots. Always come in handy. A culinary inclined boyfriend of a Peace Corps volunteer once made garlic and herb butter thanks to an available ziplock bag. Then, there are the clean pairs of underwear sealed in a ziplock for the momentous one and two years in-country. Trust me, they will be a memorable occasions... unless I'm underestimating the laundry facilities.

It is +25C(77F) with 90% humidity in Lusaka. Is there such thing as climate shock? My pasty skin and winter hair will go into rebellion...

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