28 August 2007

Ten of the week

1. It's a full moon. Watching the night sky is something I always enjoyed. I just seem to notice it more. I suspect this is because I have nothing better to do and when the new crescent moon comes, it looks like the moon is smiling at me.

2. Inefficiency is frustrating. It has taken me over three weeks to try and get the phone line switched over to my name. Actually, all I wanted was to change the address in order to receive the bills… so that I could be a good person and pay the bills. However, I first had to terminate the phone line, then apply for a line, and then request the original number. Couldn't someone just punch in five digits of my post box into the computer? In addition, I had to photocopy my passport, registration card, employment permit, and almost got conned into giving passport photos until I clued into the scheme that maybe the guy just wanted my picture. When I asked why he needed photos, he faltered. Today I'm going to check if the bills are in fact being delivered to my post box. Fingers crossed.

3. Will people ever stop staring at me? When will I stop being novel? A man tripped over a tree stump while intensely starring at me.

4. I sent a package to Canada. The post office ran out of the larger denomination of stamps, so I had to stick a stamp on all free space on the front of the package essentially framing the address. Hope it arrives.

5. There is no equivalent word for sex in Chinyanja. In local language what is usually said is the man and woman are going to bed (side note: homosexuality is illegal). Furthermore, the words to describe sexual organs are derogatory and offensive terms. Interesting.

6. Talking on the phone is so refreshing. I used to spend outrageous amounts of time chatting about the details of our lives. I miss that. Can't wait until my next phone chat.

7. I've been looking for an iPod charger and I've found one. I am still in awe of what I can find here.

8. Printing digital photos here is ridiculously expensive. One photo is over 1$. There's no competition and really no strong demand. Just like buying an iPod charger, printing digital photos what not something I thought I would do here.

9. The case of the attack of red ants in office. First rustling in the wall and four cockroaches run out. Then the red ants spill out of the wall. Literally – spilling, flowing out of the wall. Apparently everything, including cockroaches run away from red ants.

10. I have a maid. That's what she calls herself – I prefer housekeeper. She's been to the house twice in the last week and I am slowly coming to terms with someone else cleaning my house, doing my laundry (!), taking out the garbage. Her cleaning standards are higher than mine. She dusted a high ledge that I would never even think to dust. How does someone take so much pride in cleaning up someone else's personal space. Her first words to me: madam, this house is very dirty. I like her.


Anonymous said...

Miss you!

Bea said...

so.. are you still in Zambia? Think my position is about to be terminated.. they want to relocate me.. not sure how interested i am. also think with EU sanctions my funding will evaporate. hhhm.. been camped out in Kampala for the last month.